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The View: Summer 2021 edition

2 years ago
The Summer edition of The View provides a step-by-step guide to how the political and economic environment has driven financial markets, and what this means for your investments.

When analysing environmental, social, and governance factors, the ‘G’ element is less discussed in headlines. But we think it’s vital not to overlook it. We delve into how effective governance can make a difference in a company’s destiny.

At Architas we favour a global approach – why? Just like everything else in life, it can be worth it to expand your horizons. We explain why a meaningful allocation to global investments can provide a number of benefits to investors.

Big data has proved to be a very valuable commodity in the 21st century. A new service industry has built up around the collection, collation and analysis of big data. But what can this analysis reveal and why are the results so highly prized?

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